9 Reasons ‘RSF Bootcamps’ are Different (#9 is business suicide)

Rather than making a hate-speech about the poor quality of ‘bootcamps’, ‘fitness classes’ and all the rest of the drivel that’s kicking around, I’m going to focus on the positives and give y’all 9 reasons why my Bootcamp is the dug’s danglies: Continue reading

6 MUST READ Tips for January Gym Newbies

2014First off, I think you’re awesome and I really admire you taking positive steps to change your life.

You’re joining the gym to get in shape because you’re sick of the way you look and the way it makes you feel.

I get that.

I made the same decision once upon a time.

Now that we’ve got the flirting out of the way, let me tell you a little about gyms in January. Continue reading


How seriously do you treat goal setting?


Most days, when I’m not in the gym, I’m working my way through a todo list of some sort that I’ve either written the night before, in the morning or a week ago…damn my procrastinating mentality!

It might look a little something like this:

Train clients
Answer emails
Eat five meals
Be awesome Continue reading

5 Articles I Liked This Week: 22/11/13

Yo troops,

So, basically, I’ve decided that I’m going to start collating some of the articles I share on my bookface page and hit you with them in a short, weekly* blog post.

Largely, this is because I spend a lot of my downtime reading other people’s fitness, nutrition and biznizz shtuff; but, also because I’m struggling to find time to write longer blog posts due to my daily, life changing endeavours.

*When I say ‘weekly’, I mean I’ll do it this week and will continue to do it on a weekly basis…unless I forget I committed to doing it weekly – or altogether – in which case, this’ll be a one-off.

Anyway, without further ado, here are five of my favourite articles I read this week: Continue reading

Confidence…GET SOME!

Y’all ready for a bombshell?

Drumroll, please…diddy with naked girls

I haven’t always had the self-confidence levels of P. Diddy after bedding the current, former and future Miss. Worlds at the same time.


In fact, I remember back when I was in early high school I was embarrassed taking my shirt off in front of people. Continue reading

5 Annoying Things People Do In Gyms…according to one of my Online Coaching clients

Friday marked the end of my most recent Online Coaching block.

For those of you who don’t know, my Online Coaching program is one of my services, in which I aim to give people the tools in which to nourish their bodies properly and exercise effectively. ‘Blocks’ are 6 weeks in length and by the end (assuming the individuals do as I say) all involved become leaner, stronger, fitter and more confident than they were before. Continue reading

7 Body Transformation Lessons I’ve Learned From Fighting


I have been training in various forms of martial arts for the past eight years, and seriously for the past three, or so. In that time I’ve competed in muay Thai, submissions grappling and mixed martial arts (MMA).


I lost my sole Thai fight by decision, took a gold medal in my only grappling tournament to date and have a semi-professional MMA record of 2-0-1; that’s 2 wins and 1 draw, by the way.

I consider myself to be a martial artist and not a ‘fighter’; except when I’m chatting up a girl, in which case I am a ‘cage fighter’. (That’s a joke…honest…)

I also very much consider myself a novice, and probably always will, but I’ve learned some valuable lessons over the years that I think you could apply to your life in order to help you reach your fitness and physique-related goals. Continue reading

27 Rules That’ll Make You Better at Life

Muhammad-Ali-I-am-the-Greatest.-I-said-that-even-before-I-knew-I-was.1. Be awesome. 

If you’re not awesome, tell people you are. They’ll believe you if you tell them often enough.

2. Lift heavy objects.

You’ll increase your confidence, improve your body composition and you’ll impress people.

3. Read books, lots of books.

You’ll become more intelligent, have a greater understanding of the universe and you’ll impress people. Continue reading

My (honest) food diary for 17/5/13

If you’re looking for the Holy Grail of nutrition within this article you’re probably best leaving now.

Similarly, if you’re looking for a picture perfect, textbook food diary you’re best hitting that big, red ‘x’ at the top right of your screen.

You’re still here…you must be a family member or close friend.

Anyway, I’m going to talk you through my meals from Friday just past and then I’m going to tell you what was wrong with one or two of them and why. Continue reading

Food: Old School vs. New School

Last weekend I went down to my grandmother’s house for lunch. She cooked me the same steak pie dinner she’s been cooking me all my life and we got chatting about what they ate in ‘her day’.


My gran mentioned her own mother and told me how she’d cook food for her entire family in a tiny apartment with only a stove and an oven.

“My mother was a lovely cook”, she said as if she was thinking out loud. Gran continued: “She was awfully fond of the animal fat too; she’d never cut it off her meat and she lived until she was 85; without ever spending a day in hospital.” Continue reading