5 Articles I Liked This Week: 22/11/13

Yo troops,

So, basically, I’ve decided that I’m going to start collating some of the articles I share on my bookface page and hit you with them in a short, weekly* blog post.

Largely, this is because I spend a lot of my downtime reading other people’s fitness, nutrition and biznizz shtuff; but, also because I’m struggling to find time to write longer blog posts due to my daily, life changing endeavours.

*When I say ‘weekly’, I mean I’ll do it this week and will continue to do it on a weekly basis…unless I forget I committed to doing it weekly – or altogether – in which case, this’ll be a one-off.

Anyway, without further ado, here are five of my favourite articles I read this week: Continue reading

Confidence…GET SOME!

Y’all ready for a bombshell?

Drumroll, please…diddy with naked girls

I haven’t always had the self-confidence levels of P. Diddy after bedding the current, former and future Miss. Worlds at the same time.


In fact, I remember back when I was in early high school I was embarrassed taking my shirt off in front of people. Continue reading

Positivity & Negativity: How I Purvey One & Avoid the Other

I’ll always remember my first day of my ‘big boy job’.


I jumped straight from graduation to a personal training course, via Thailand, and had big dreams.

I expected to walk into any gym, become the number one trainer and have to fight off gym members who’d be lining up outside the door for my services; not too dissimilar to the Boxing Day sales in Harrods.

And so, I swaggered into the gym, filled with youthful exuberance, ready to tell anyone who’d listen that I was about to take over the joint.  Continue reading