5 Annoying Things People Do In Gyms…according to one of my Online Coaching clients

Friday marked the end of my most recent Online Coaching block.

For those of you who don’t know, my Online Coaching program is one of my services, in which I aim to give people the tools in which to nourish their bodies properly and exercise effectively. ‘Blocks’ are 6 weeks in length and by the end (assuming the individuals do as I say) all involved become leaner, stronger, fitter and more confident than they were before. Continue reading

7 Body Transformation Lessons I’ve Learned From Fighting


I have been training in various forms of martial arts for the past eight years, and seriously for the past three, or so. In that time I’ve competed in muay Thai, submissions grappling and mixed martial arts (MMA).


I lost my sole Thai fight by decision, took a gold medal in my only grappling tournament to date and have a semi-professional MMA record of 2-0-1; that’s 2 wins and 1 draw, by the way.

I consider myself to be a martial artist and not a ‘fighter’; except when I’m chatting up a girl, in which case I am a ‘cage fighter’. (That’s a joke…honest…)

I also very much consider myself a novice, and probably always will, but I’ve learned some valuable lessons over the years that I think you could apply to your life in order to help you reach your fitness and physique-related goals. Continue reading

27 Rules That’ll Make You Better at Life

Muhammad-Ali-I-am-the-Greatest.-I-said-that-even-before-I-knew-I-was.1. Be awesome. 

If you’re not awesome, tell people you are. They’ll believe you if you tell them often enough.

2. Lift heavy objects.

You’ll increase your confidence, improve your body composition and you’ll impress people.

3. Read books, lots of books.

You’ll become more intelligent, have a greater understanding of the universe and you’ll impress people. Continue reading

Positivity & Negativity: How I Purvey One & Avoid the Other

I’ll always remember my first day of my ‘big boy job’.


I jumped straight from graduation to a personal training course, via Thailand, and had big dreams.

I expected to walk into any gym, become the number one trainer and have to fight off gym members who’d be lining up outside the door for my services; not too dissimilar to the Boxing Day sales in Harrods.

And so, I swaggered into the gym, filled with youthful exuberance, ready to tell anyone who’d listen that I was about to take over the joint.  Continue reading

Time Management: 7 Tips to Save Time & Get Ripped

Time-management-clock-small (1)Time is the most precious commodity.

It’s also the excuse most people give me for their lack of physical condition.

“I work long hours.”; “I’ve got kids to look after.”; “There’s just not enough hours in the day.”

With these reasons excuses in mind, here are seven quick-fire tips you can use to save time and improve your physical condition. Continue reading

Bottom Two Abs

The question I get asked most often is: “How do I get definition in my stomach?”


Seriously, it’s right up there with how did we get here and what is the meaning of life?

As a person begins to develop definition in the stomach, the question becomes a little more specific: “How do I get definition in my bottom two abs?”

The answer is pretty simple, yet extremely complex at the same time.  Continue reading